A lot of the credit for my return to writing for the stage has to go to the wonderful theatre company I joined upon moving from Scotland to the beautiful city of Stavanger, Norway. I wrote my first Pantomime (British children’s theatre genre) in 2015 and enjoyed it so much that I just kept writing. Now I amuse (and occasionally frustrate) myself trying to create things I (and hopefully others) will find interesting and above all entertaining.
In the past few years I’ve stretched my creative and performance legs further by branching out into voiceover work in the gaming industry and other mediums. Most recently I published my first audiobook and am currently developing an ambitious theatre project in colaboration with some incredibly talent musicians while developing my very first interactive game.
The joy of the creative process is something I don’t think I’ll ever tire of and I look froward to seeing where it all takes me. Today, tomorrow and beyond.
When I’m not writing or thinking about writing, you can find me at my Karate club training and teaching. I love the physical, mental and philosophical aspects of Karate as well as the rich history and traditions of the art.
I also love to travel. I love to experience new cultures and their peoples and every few years I try to embark on more ambitious adventures. Most recently I sailed with a couple of like minded frineds to the Caribbean from Norway, crossing the atlantic ina 49 foot sailboat. An incredibly journey. I also enjoy hiking and skiing in the beautiful mountains of Norway and try to return to my beautiful homeland of Scotland a few times a year.
My family consists of my partner, my son and a 1975 VW T2 camper.
All of whom I love equally.
– Terry James Thorpe, 2023
It is the duty of every Englishman to be
practised in the art of boxing, fencing and
attacked by ruffians a gentleman should know how to defend himself.
– Devlin Flynn (by Terry James Thorpe)